Why the Red Poppy? Remembering Veteran’s Day

My sweet Canadian husband and I were talking just the other day about the upcoming holiday (today!) Veteran’s Day, also known as Remembrance Day in Canada. I commented that one of the many things I love about Canada is how Remembrance Day (Veteran’s Day) is solemnized with everyone wearing a red felt poppy on their lapel.

My American children are not exposed to the red felt poppy on the same scale as their Canadian cousins, nor do they fully understand the significance of Veteran’s Day/ Remembrance Day. Here is a short history lesson geared to grade-schoolers to help explain why there is a moment of silence at the 11th hour on 11th day of the 11th month of the year, why the red poppy is worn around the world, and what this day means for their future:

For those who are not familiar with the poem, In Flanders Fields, by John McCrae, here is an emotional recitation:


May we always remember what happened almost 100 years ago. May we never lose hope or our humanity. May we always respect, love, and honor those who serve around us.

May you have a blessed Veteran’s Day.



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